By Gerald Brooks

In Personal Injury Blog

Catastrophic injuries can interfere with your ability to continue independently living and working, and may require significant modifications to your daily life. Confronting these newfound challenges can be financially and emotionally overwhelming. But depending on the circumstances that caused your injuries, you may be able to recover compensation to assist with your recovery. An experienced catastrophic injury lawyer from Serious Injury Law Group can help you understand your legal options.

Contact our legal team today for a free case review.

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries

While any awkward, forceful motion or dangerous circumstance can potentially injure you, there are several frequent sources of catastrophic injuries, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents – Car crashes, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents can cause devastating injuries. A high-speed collision could cause life-altering trauma, such as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, internal organ damage, severe burns, and other serious injuries.
  • Workplace incidents – Certain industries, like construction and manufacturing, are more dangerous than others. Crush injuries, fires, falls from heights, and other job accidents can impact your ability to continue working, sometimes permanently.
  • Slip and fall – Slips, trips, and falls caused by slick or uneven surfaces can result in head injuries, back injuries, broken bones, and other life-altering injuries.
  • Sports and recreational activities – Contact sports like football and high-risk recreational activities like bungee jumping can turn a split-second adrenaline rush into long-term pain due to head trauma, spinal injuries, and complex fractures.

If you or a loved one suffered a catastrophic injury and someone else is to blame, an experienced attorney can help you file a personal injury claim demanding full and fair compensation for your losses.

Compensation for Victims with Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophically injured people often have complex medical needs, such as the need for 24-hour home health care or home renovations to accommodate a permanent disability. Documenting your economic and non-economic losses is crucial to recover maximum compensation in your catastrophic injury case.

Georgia law allows personal injury victims to pursue compensation for:

  • Medical expenses – Keep medical bills, invoices, and insurance information for your catastrophic injury claim. You can demand money for past and anticipated future medical care, hospital stays, ER visits, physical or occupational therapy, surgery costs, prescriptions, and other medical needs.
  • Lost income – If your injury prevents you from working for a while, you can recover compensation for lost wages, including benefits, bonuses, or promotions you would have received.
  • Loss of future earning potential – If you can no longer work, a catastrophic injury attorney can request compensation for your reduced earning capacity by collecting past pay stubs and tax returns to demonstrate the future income you would have earned.
  • Pain and suffering – In Georgia, pain and suffering damages address the intangible losses you suffered due to your injury, such as physical pain, emotional distress, and lost enjoyment of life.

Contact an Experienced Georgia Personal Injury Lawyer

The road to recovery after a catastrophic injury is a long one, but you don’t need to travel it alone. Let the Fairburn, GA, catastrophic injury lawyers at Serious Injury Law Group help. We know the physical, mental, and emotional toll an injury can take on your life. We’re here to provide the support and guidance you need to restore your well-being and get your life back on track.

If you or a family member needs help after a catastrophic injury, call or contact us online today for a free consultation.

Attorney Gerald Brooks

Attorney Gerald Brooks graduated from the University of Alabama twice — with an undergraduate degree in business in 1998 and with a law degree in 2002. Brooks’ practice focuses solely on personal injury cases, and he has achieved some significant outcomes on behalf of his clients. They include a medical malpractice jury verdict of $3.5 million, a jury verdict of $380,000 in a motor vehicle case, and multiple seven-figure settlements in medical malpractice and trucking cases.