By Chuck James

In Personal Injury Blog

Alabama injury lawyers are often called upon to help estimate the potential value of a claim. Personal injury victims are often anxious to receive a personal injury settlement to pay off medical expenses, make up for lost wages, and receive some compensation for their pain and suffering. However, every personal injury claim is different, so it is difficult to estimate the potential value of a claim. A Birmingham accident lawyer with Serious Injury Law Group can help explain the types of damages you may be able to recover under Alabama law and factors that can affect the value of your claim.

Recoverable Damages in Alabama

Some of the damages you may be able to recover through a personal injury claim or lawsuit may include:

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses often make up a substantial portion of your personal injury claim. The Alabama pattern jury instructions state that personal injury victims can recover all reasonable and necessary medical expenses they have paid or became obligated to pay that stem from the accident.

Personal injury lawyers often recommend waiting until you reach maximum medical improvement so that you can estimate how much your future medical expenses might be and include them in your demand for compensation.

Lost Wages

If your injuries prevented you from working, you can demand compensation for the lost wages you already incurred, as well as the projected losses you expect to incur in the future.

Pain and Suffering

Alabama law allows you to recover compensation for your physical and mental pain and suffering. Alabama does not have a specific formula to calculate the value of pain and suffering damages. Two of the most common methods to measure pain and suffering are the per diem and multiplier methods. The per diem method assigns a dollar amount for each day of suffering you endured. The multiplier method multiplies your medical bills by a variable, usually, a number between 1 and 5, to determine your pain and suffering.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can gather evidence to establish the nature, severity, and duration of your pain and suffering.

Factors that Can Affect the Value of Your Claim

The personal injury compensation you may be able to recover may depend on several factors, including the following:

The Severity of Your Injuries

Some injuries are more severe than others, such as:

If you have a more severe injury, you may have a right to a greater amount of compensation.

Length of Recovery

Injuries that take longer to heal or require ongoing care will typically lead to higher medical bills and more suffering. These factors can make your settlement greater than if you quickly recover from the injury.

Available Insurance

Most personal injury claims are ultimately resolved through insurance claims. Therefore, the amount of available insurance can significantly impact the value of your claim. If your damages far outweigh available insurance limits, your only recourse may be to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party.

How the Injuries Affect Your Life

Your case value can also be affected by your inability to work, get along with loved ones, or enjoy life because of the accident or your injuries.


The location where the accident occurred can also impact the value of your claim. For example, if the accident occurred in a venue where juries favor personal injury victims or award higher verdicts, the claim may be more valuable.


If liability for the accident is in dispute, this can impact the likelihood of the case settling and its value.

Get a Personalized Evaluation for Your Claim from an Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer

Every personal injury case is different. The best way to determine the potential value of your claim is to get in touch with an experienced Alabama personal injury lawyer. At Serious Injury Law Group, we are tough in negotiations and seasoned in litigation. Our goal is to achieve maximum compensation for our clients. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about your legal rights and how we can help.

Attorney Chuck James

Chuck James is a Mobile, AL, native who graduated from the University of Alabama. Chuck has been practicing law since early 2000. Contact Chuck James today for help with your personal injury case. Free consultations. Locations in Birmingham and Montgomery.