By Gerald Brooks

In Personal Injury Blog

Accidents can cause a range of traumatic injuries that alter more than a person’s physical health. A catastrophic injury can impact everything from an individual’s mental health and quality of life to their financial stability and relationships with others. If someone else is responsible for your catastrophic injuries in Fairburn, GA, you could be eligible to hold them accountable through a personal injury claim.

At the Serious Injury Law Group, we know the toll that a catastrophic injury can take on victims and their families. Before accepting a settlement from the insurance company, it’s crucial to understand that these devastating injuries come with hidden costs. It’s not only the medical bills that matter. Consult a catastrophic injuries lawyer to learn about the money you could receive in a successful personal injury case today.

Overview of Catastrophic Injuries

A catastrophic injury is not a medical term. Instead, it describes any severe injury that causes long-term or life-changing damage to a body part or bodily system. Common types of catastrophic injuries include:

  •  Traumatic brain injury
  •  Spinal cord injuries/paralysis
  •  Amputation
  •  Organ damage
  •  Severely broken or crushed bones
  •  Severe burn injuries

These serious injuries can cause significant or permanent disability, severe disfigurement, chronic pain, and scarring. They also require extensive medical treatment such as surgery, physical therapy, professional mental health services, medical devices, and rehabilitation. Victims never fully recover from a catastrophic injury.

The Hidden Costs of Catastrophic Injuries

High medical expenses are often expected after a catastrophic injury. But what about less obvious costs? In the aftermath of such a severe injury, victims and their families naturally focus on basic survival and avoiding potential health complications. The idea of collecting compensation is not the first thing on their minds. Insurance companies exploit these vulnerabilities to get people to settle for less than they deserve.

The first phone call might come while you are still in the hospital. The insurer may say they want to offer a quick settlement so you can focus on healing. Beware — this tactic is an attempt to get you to settle before you understand the full extent of your injuries.

Many additional costs are associated with catastrophic injuries. Once the initial crisis is resolved, you need to look toward the future. You may need to pay for:

  •  Ongoing nursing care
  •  Home health services
  •  Assistive medical devices and durable medical equipment, such as wheelchairs and prosthetics
  •  Home renovations to accommodate a new disability
  •  Transportation costs to and from appointments
  •  Childcare costs
  •  Home maintenance expenses
  •  Lost wages
  •  Loss of earning capacity
  •  Emotional distress

These additional and unexpected costs can quickly bury an accident victim in bills and jeopardize their financial and emotional health. Many catastrophically injured victims later develop anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their injuries.

Fighting for Maximum Compensation

Pursuing maximum compensation after a serious accident means getting help from an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer. An attorney has the background and extensive knowledge needed to place a fair value on your case and fight for the full and fair compensation you deserve. They can build a solid catastrophic injury claim backed by strong evidence that stands up to any challenges from the insurance company. You shouldn’t pay out of pocket for the long-term effects of an injury someone else caused.

Contact a Fairburn, Georgia Catastrophic Injury Attorney for Help

You deserve justice and time to heal. Put the Fairburn, GA, catastrophic injury attorneys from the Serious Injury Law Group to work for you. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Attorney Gerald Brooks

Attorney Gerald Brooks graduated from the University of Alabama twice — with an undergraduate degree in business in 1998 and with a law degree in 2002. Brooks’ practice focuses solely on personal injury cases, and he has achieved some significant outcomes on behalf of his clients. They include a medical malpractice jury verdict of $3.5 million, a jury verdict of $380,000 in a motor vehicle case, and multiple seven-figure settlements in medical malpractice and trucking cases.